You’re ready for the result, but do you know the path?

The Leadership Path is a curated collection of the tools, habits and best practices our team has encountered in over twenty years of developing leaders. But that’s not enough; the path includes one-n-one coaching to help you put all this leadership goodness into practice. After all, leading is not about knowing a bunch of leadership stuff, it’s about becoming an effective leader. To that end, we have developed a sequenced approach for you.


First, you have to learn to lead yourself. At this first stage in the journey, we are going to help you get comfortable and confident in the leadership role. That starts by getting okay with being the leader and with learning how to lead according to who you are. Every person has his or her own wiring when it comes to things like self-management, conflict, boundaries, motivation, etc. We’re going to help you get to know yourself in a new way so you can get the most out of you.


Second, you need to lead individuals. Leadership is about influencing others toward a positive outcome, but reaching that outcome takes work. So you have to learn how to get other people to do work. It’s that simple. While that might sound like an uncomfortable thing to do, we’re going to teach you how to use a few simple tools that will make leading others feel like riding a bike.



Third, you have to lead teams. When you scale up from leading a person to leading a team, the changes are huge. This is where you begin to gain exponential leverage as a leader and where you can really mess it up if you don’t know what you’re doing. We are going to give you the insights and tools to take the right approach to teams and get the best results from the teams you lead.



Finally, you have to learn how to lead the entire organization. You’re not finished yet. Leaders with enterprise-level influence have to think about the organization globally and have to know how to create change, sustain momentum, and get results. Your organization is only going to be as fruitful as you are effective.


You will make progress on the leadership path with the help of:
• Assessments for personality, conflict style, and emotional intelligence
• Models that simplify key leadership concepts
• Examples of how to use the tools you will learn
• Trainers who know this stuff inside and out, have seen it work with hundreds of leaders and who know how to bring it to life for you
• Coaching that helps you translate head knowledge into real ability and actual results

Ready to get started? Our next cohort launches in March 2017 and the registration window will be open February 14-28, 2017.